Publications in refereed academic journals
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Learning and Wellbeing: Evidence from India
with M Björkman Nyqvist
Journal of Development Economics 164, 103133 (2023)
Data: Replication files here.
Beyond the Classroom: Global Competencies and the Path to Higher Education
with M Mendola
Politica economica, Journal of Economic Policy 2, 157-186 (2023)
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy in Low and Middle Income Countries
with Solís Arce, J.S., Warren, S.S., Meriggi, N.F. et al.
Nature Medicine 27: 1385-1394 (2021)
Media: Nature Medicine Editorial, EurekaAlert, IGC Policy Brief, TCD News, Emergency Services, India Education Diary, Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism, Visão
Reducing Child Mortality in the Last Mile: Experimental Evidence on Community Health Promoters in Uganda
with M Björkman Nyqvist, J Svensson, and D Yanagizawa-Drott
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(3): 155-92 (2019)
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0000530
Data: Online Appendix and replication files here.
Award: Novartis prize for the best health economics paper at the Irish Economic Association conference 2017 [link]
Media: The Washington Post, QUARTZ, NYT, Impakter, JPAL 1, JPAL 2, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), Children Investment Fund Fundation (CIFF), VoxDev, TCD News, AEA Research Highlights
Armed conflict and schooling in Rwanda: Digging deeper
with M Verpoorten
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 25(1): 1-41 (2019)
Award: Walter Isard Annual Award for the Best Article in Peace Economics Peace Science and Public Policy [link].
When Ethnicity Beats Gender: Quotas and Political Representation in Rwanda and Burundi
with B Ingelaere and M Verpoorten
Development and Change, 49(6): 1361–1391 (2018).
Media: The Conversation, Forskning & Framsteg (in Swedish)
Aid, Trade, and Post-War Recovery of the Rwandan Coffee Sector
with M Verpoorten
Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12(3): 552-574 (2018)
Data: Online Appendix here and replication files here.
Policy Brief: IOB Policy Brief N.30.
Bilateral Investment Treaties and FDI: Does the Sector Matter?
with L Colen and D Persyn
World Development, 83: 193-206 (2016)
Food Price Shocks and the Political Economy of Global Agricultural and Development Policy
with MP Squicciarini and J Swinnen
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 36 (3): 387-415 (2014)
Award: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s AEPP Outstanding Journal Article 2014 [link].
Global hunger: Food crisis spurs aid for poverty
with MP Squicciarini and J Swinnen
Nature (correspondence), 501:492 (2013)
Publications in peer-reviewed volumes
What Type of FDI Is Attracted by BITs?
with L Colen
Chapt. 5 in: De Schutter O., Swinnen J. et Wouters J. (eds) Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development, Routledge (2013)
The Rwandan Coffee Sector: out of the Ordinary
with JN Chrysostome and M Verpoorten
in: Reyntjens F., Vandeginste S., et Verpoorten M. (eds.) L’Afrique des grands lacs. Annuaire 2011-2012, Paris, L’Harmattan: 397-426 (2012)